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Virgilio Vercelloni (Milan, 1930-1995) undertook an academic career, firstly as an assistant to Perogalli and Bottoni, then as professor of History of Architecture at the Politecnico of Milan (1963-1972). Later, after having abandoned a university career, he devoted himself to design and critical inquiry: as an architect, town planner, landscape gardener, historian of architecture and urban planning, editorial coordinator of the ‘Controspazio’ magazine, under the editor Paolo Portoghesi and editor of the TV show ‘Non Solo Film’ (Rai Tre, 1991-1994).
His work as a researcher and consultant led him to promote and collaborate on major requalification projects for the area of Milan. He directed his efforts in the field of design towards public works: the Rozzano town hall (1968); Lacchiarella and Pero sports centres (1980); administrative buildings in Milan (1988); the Civic Centre in Bollate (1985). His publications include: ‘The Historical Atlas of Milan, City of Lombardy’ (Milan, 1986), ‘The History of the Urban Landscape of Milan’ (Milan, 1988), ‘Historical Atlas of the Idea of the European Garden’ (Milan, 1990), ‘Historical Atlas of the European Vision of the Ideal City’ (Milan, 1994).